Turbo Tax

Turbo Tax

Who knew being a member at a credit union could save on life’s most “taxing” duties! Members, this is a reminder that YOU can file your taxes for free through turbo tax®. This blog will give you all the details on how to file for free.

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Guide to Secure Digital Banking

Guide to Secure Digital Banking

With more people using electronic banking as a holdover from pandemic times, it’s important for consumers to be aware of its vulnerabilities and how to protect themselves from scams. Here’s what you need to know about the risks of mobile banking and how to stay safe.

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Learn How to Stop a Payment:

Learn How to Stop a Payment:

Write a check for the wrong amount or recipient? Stop payment is always an option to stop a transaction from occurring. The process is hassle free and will have you at ease in no time. To complete a stop payment, members must complete a short form detailing the transaction.

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Digital Banking Blogs